
sugar, sulis, shrek

hello bloggabuzz lama gak post yo huhu gara-gara twitter gue jadi lupa akan dirimu blog
sekarang nih tanggal berapa ya? OCT 28, 2009 it means today is HARI SUMPAH PEMUDA gue selalu berpikir yang dimaksud dengan sumpah pemuda tuh apa, tapi sampe sekarang gak terbayang apa pun -__-kalo ada yang tau yang dimaksud sumpah pemuda itu apa please tell me yaaaaa etseh bukan berarti gue gak nasionalisme, buktinya gue ngebela manohara

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sugar sulis shrek
semua ini nama samaran. mereka semua ini yang untuk saat ini ada di pikiran gue. triple S. oke emang yang sulis gak enak, tapi aslinya manis kok (lah lah) here i'll tell you more why they're bothering my mind now

first sugar
because he always bothers my mind, my head, my activities, my days, my brain and my soul, since we've known each other

second sulis
he is sweet, i dont even know who is he but he's just so sweet, blackie but sweet. and calm

third shrek
why i call him shrek? because he's face is weird.... like shrek. not green, just weird. no no no he has a pair of normal ears too, but why he is always in my mind? because he is kind. sooooo kind. no matter how his face looks like, he's just soooooooooooooooo kind. kindest boy i've ever known and gentle of course :p

okay triple S especially for the first one, just get outta my head boys

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